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New Parishioners

New families, please register with a priest or deacon in the sacristy after Sunday Mass or by appointment in the Parish Office. We want to know and serve you! We hope you will support your parish by your prayers, your presence, and your talent. Our registration form in “pdf” format is available here:; those who wish may download the form, complete it, and present it to the priest or deacon.
Parishioners leaving the parish are also asked to notify the Parish Office.
Parish Records

Certificates of Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion, and Marriage are available through the Parish Office. (Click for requirements for a Letter of Eligibility to be a godparent or Confirmation sponsor). Letters of Freedom for Marriage must be arranged with the pastor.
Statements of donations for the previous calendar year are mailed in January to all families who have contributed $250 or more, the amount above which I.R.S. requires documentation. They are also available by request when announced in the Parish Newsletter.
Parishioners involved in the various parish ministries and activities may be given addresses and telephone numbers necessary for their roles in the parish. All parish data is considered confidential and is not released without the expressed permission of the registered individual.
Parish Oversight
Parish Oversight

Finance Committee
“In each parish there is to be a Finance Committee to help the parish priest in the administration of the goods of the parish” (Code of Canon Law, Canon 537).
Our committee meets monthly in the Bérulle Conference Room on the fourth Tuesday of the month, September through June.
Members are appointed to the committee by the Pastor for three year terms, renewable once. Their names are listed in the Parish Newsletter in the minutes of each meeting.
Parishioners are encouraged to read the minutes and share any comments or recommendations with any Committee member.

Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council fosters participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the Church.
Council advises and assists the pastor in areas of pastoral concern, developing and recommending parish pastoral plans through consensus and prayerful reflection. Meetings are in the Bérulle Conference Room on the first Tuesday of the month, September through June.
Members are elected for three year terms, and may be re-elected for one additional term. Their names and the year their terms expire are published in the Parish Newsletter as part of the minutes of each meeting.
Parishioners are encouraged to read the minutes and share any comments or recommendations with any Council member.

Safe Environment Program
The Safe Environment Program is a comprehensive child safety and child sexual abuse prevention program, which creates a network of prevention and protection for the children entrusted into the Archdiocese’s care.
Background checks are required, not just of clergy, but also of Religious and lay staff, and all volunteers who may have any possible contact with children. That includes Religious Ed volunteers, Pre-School volunteers, CYO adult moderators and coaches, the High School Youth Group core team, etc. These background checks must be renewed every five years, and include:
Required of all paid employees and required of volunteers living in PA for less than 10 years; those living in PA continuously for 10 years must sign a Disclosure Statement.
Federal Bureau of Investigation Fingerprint Clearance:
- Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check
- Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Child Abuse History Clearance
Diana Sherman, our Business Manager, assists employees and volunteers with these background checks; the parish pays all fees.
All staff, and volunteers who have regular contact with children (at least one time per week) are required to complete parts one and two of the Safe Environment training within 90 days of beginning their volunteer work. Part 1 is the classroom component; part 2 is the Mandated Reporter online component.
This training does not have to be repeated.
Protecting God’s Children (instructor-led), is offered regularly, both virtually and in-person at various sites. The training provides basic facts about child sexual abuse and adults’ roles in prevention. Click here to access the schedule of the training sessions.
The Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse is available in English and Spanish online at the Training Institute. This training provides an overview of Archdiocesan reporting procedures for suspected child abuse and Pennsylvania Child Welfare Laws. The training takes approximately one hour to complete.
Visit, and click on “Staff & Volunteers.”
We are extremely grateful to our staff and volunteers for complying with these requirements in the interest of our children’s safety.
Archdiocesan Resources
Archdiocesan Resources

Marriage Annulments
Marriage Annulments
Anyone who had a marriage that ended in divorce can petition the Tribunal for a Declaration of Nullity. The Tribunal is looking to see if something was lacking in the intentions of the parties in regards to children, fidelity and permanence, and/or in their understanding of marriage, and/or in their ability to enter into and fulfill marriage.
1. To begin, go to the website of the Archdiocese, and download the forms. On the top right of the webpage, under the heading, “How do I”, click on the tab “Start the Annulment Process.” Follow the instructions, fill out the form on your computer, print out the form, obtain the proper documents and send everything to the Tribunal. When your application is received you will be contacted to begin your case with formal testimony.
2. Once your formal testimony has been taken, your former spouse will be cited by the Tribunal. Your former spouse will be notified of the grounds and reasons for the Petition. If you do not have an address for your former spouse, you need to provide the Tribunal with an explanation as to why that is so and what steps you took to locate your former spouse.
3. If your former spouse participates in the case, is in favor of a Declaration of Nullity, and agrees with the grounds and the reasons for the Petition and if his or her testimony is similar to your testimony, then it is possible that the case may be heard in a process called the “Brief Process”, or the “Bishop’s Process” given by Pope Francis.
4. In cases where the former spouse is opposed to a Declaration of Nullity, where the former spouse does not respond to the Tribunal, or is unable to be located, and even cases from #3, these cases continue on in the normal process for a Declaration of Nullity. Pope Francis facilitated this ordinary process by permitting Tribunals to accept the case of anyone who lives within their local diocese, no matter where the marriage took place (even if in a foreign country) or no matter where their former spouse lives (even if in a foreign country). Also, if the Tribunal arrives at granting a Declaration of Nullity and if the other person is not opposed to it and does not appeal it, then the Declaration becomes immediately effective, without need for anything further. The normal process takes about 6-8 months.
5. Since 2015, there are no longer court fees for those who live within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The Holy Father, Pope Francis, encourages those who are able to make a contribution to do so in order to offset the expenses of the Tribunal. The administrative cost of the Tribunal is $800.00 per case. Any contribution toward this cost is greatly appreciated when your case has been completed.
Should this process lead to a Declaration of Nullity, both parties may marry in the Catholic Church and Catholics can participate fully in the sacramental life of the Church. A Decree of Nullity has no effect on the legitimacy of children.

Intellectual Disabilities & Autism
Intellectual Disabilities & Autism
Do you need help accessing services and supports for someone with an intellectual disability or Autism? A collaboration of Catholic Social Services’ Developmental Programs, The Office for Persons with Disabilities and the Schools of Special Education of the Archdiocese is offering this convenient help-line to assist families connect to disabilities services provided by the Archdiocese.
To reach the Help-Line call: 484-472-5041 or email:

Student & Volunteer Insurance
Student & Volunteer Insurance
Students in our Pre-School, our Religious Education Program, the High School Youth Group, and our CYO sports program are covered by the archdiocesan Student/Athletic Accident Insurance Program. Those performing volunteer services for the parish without any remuneration or payment in cash or in kind are covered by the archdiocesan Volunteers Accident Insurance Program.
These programs provides primary coverage for the first $300 of covered medical expenses; benefits above $300 (to $1,000,000) are payable, but only in excess of any other available medical coverage or hospitalization plan. Brochures describing coverage, conditions, limitations and exclusions are available in the Parish Office, as are claim forms. All claims should be reported promptly.

Victim Assistance
Victim Assistance
All suspected child abuse of anyone under the age of 18 years old should be reported immediately to ChildLine, operated by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, at 1-800-932-0313, and to your local police department.
If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual abuse by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of the Archdiocese, you can contact the Office of Investigations at 1-888-930-9010.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia provides comprehensive assistance to anyone who as a minor was sexually abused by any representative of the Archdiocese. Parents, guardians, children and survivors of sexual abuse are invited and encouraged to contact a Victim Assistance Coordinator at 215-587-3880, or 888-800-8780.
Other Resources
Other Resources
AA meets weekly in the Church Hall. For more information call 215-923-7900 or visit
NA meets weekly in the Church Hall. For more information call 267-884-9290 for information or visit
Pick-ups & Inquiries: 888-444-DROP