

Archdiocesan policy requires that the couple present themselves to one of the priests or deacons to make arrangements at least six months before the wedding date. At the initial interview, the priest or deacon learn the couple’s vision for the ceremony, answer any questions, and explain the certificates required and the questionnaires to be completed. Both parties must be free to marry. For anyone — even a non-Catholic — who has been married previously — even if that marriage was not in the Catholic Church — and has not been widowed, a Catholic Church annulment is required to show freedom to marry again.

The couple must participate in a Marriage Preparation (Pre-Cana) Program approved by the Archdiocese. At present, our parish does not have its Marriage Preparation Program. Couples may register for a program in another parish, or in an Archdiocesan program. The priest or deacon working with the couple can assist.

Place of the Wedding

Ordinarily, the marriage between two Catholics is to be celebrated in the parish church of the bride or the groom. With permission of the pastor of either the bride or the groom, the marriage may be celebrated in another Catholic church. A nuptial Mass is recommended, but the couple may choose to have a nuptial ceremony without the Mass.

The marriage between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic may be celebrated in a Catholic church, with or without a Mass; however, a ceremony without the Mass is recommended. With permission, the ceremony may be celebrated in a non-Catholic church or chapel of particular significance to the non-Catholic party, using the ritual for the denomination of that church.

The marriage between a Catholic and a non-baptized individual may be celebrated in a Catholic church; with permission it may be celebrated in a neutral setting.

Under certain circumstances, our Archdiocese now gives permission for the wedding ceremony to take place at other sites. The priest or deacon working with the couple will explain various options and any attendant conditions, as well as facilitate the necessary requests for permission.

Weddings scheduled here are first-come, first-served. The couple should make early contact with our Director of Music Ministry.

Readings and Music

Below are some resources to assist you in planning for your Wedding.