Holy Orders
Holy Orders
Catholic men discerning a call to the Priesthood should contact one of the priests, or the Vocation Director for Diocesan Priesthood, Father David Friel, at (610)667-5778 or fr.dfriel@archphila.org. Also, visit the web site http://heedthecall.org.
Men of faith, over 29 not older than 55 years of age, in good health and with financial security, who are discerning a call to the Permanent Diaconate, should contact a deacon or priest in the parish, or the School of Diaconal Formation at St. Charles Seminary, www.scs.edu, or Deacon Michael Pascarella, Jr., Associate to the Vicar for Clergy for Permanent Deacons, at (215)587-4532 or mpascarella@archphila.org.
It is the responsibility of the whole faith community to affirm and nurture those called to Holy Orders. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send more workers into his harvest.