This Advent and Christmas, we as a Parish will reflect on those wonderful Christmas carol lyrics: “O Come Let Us Adore Him”. We will use this theme all throughout the season to help us encounter the Lord in both new and familiar ways as we seek to strengthen our personal relationship with Him.

“Behold” Group Book Discussion Series

This Advent, take a healing journey with Sister Miriam Heidland, SOLT as we will read and discuss her new book: “Behold: A Guided Advent Journal for Prayer & Meditation.” Discussion groups are now meeting at Saint Vincent Parish in the Berulle conference room both on Thursday mornings at 10:00am and Monday evenings at 7:00pm. The book is available at either session for a free will offering. At this point in time, both groups have begun to meet, however, anyone who wishes to attend the group may do so at any time.

Monday Adoration
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place following the 8:00am Mass and will continue until 4:30pm when we will have Benediction. You can sign up now to commit to a 30-minute time slot for Adoration. Similar to how we handled 40 Hours, commitments will be taken through which can be accessed using the button below, or by signing up using the binder in the Atrium, outside the Chapel. These can be one-time commitments, or it can be recurring, that is up to you.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

In addition to our regularly scheduled 3:45-4:30pm Confessions on Saturdays, confessions will also be offered on most Thursday evenings throughout Advent (December 1st, 15th, & 22nd) following the 7:00pm Mass in Chapel, with the exception of December 8th due to the Holy Day Mass in Church. As usual, you can also contact Fr. Paolino in the Parish Office to schedule a Confession by appointment.

Morning of Reconciliation
Saturday, December 17th beginning at 10:30am
As has been done in the past, I will invite several area priests to join us in offering a Morning of Reconciliation on Saturday, December 17th. There will not be a formal prayer service to begin or end, we will simply be available for Confessions beginning at 10:30am and will continue until everyone has had the opportunity to go to Confession. When you go to Confession, you are free to depart. I would recommend that if you plan on attending to arrive by 10:30am. Copies of an Examination of Conscience will be made available. You can also click the button below for a sample copy.

Advent Family Night

Saturday, December 10, 2022

5:00pm Vigil Mass, Live Nativity, & Festivities to follow!

At the conclusion of our usual Vigil Mass at 5:00pm, students from our Parish will provide a Live Nativity for the Communion Meditation for us in the Sanctuary. Following the Prayer After Communion, they will help lead the procession out of the Church, to the outdoor Nativity scene where I will bless the scene and a special visitor from the North Pole will help me with a countdown to the “Grand Illumination” of the Christmas lights around our Parish property! Following the festivities, refreshments will be available in the Atrium.

Christmas “Basket” Programs
As our tradition continues to provide food and gifts to the poor from Visitation Parish in Kensington, the sisters there would appreciate gift cards from

Wal-Mart, Target or Shop-Rite to distribute to poor families in that area. Place the cards in an envelope marked “Christmas Basket Program” and drop off at the Parish Office or in the collection basket. The deadline is December 11th.

Jesus Focus Ministry
We are also collecting Christmas dinner fixins for Jesus Focus Ministry to distribute to families who are struggling financially. We request that you use re-usable shopping bags and fill them with non-perishable food for Christmas dinner. They will be collected on December 10th in the parking lot from 9:00-10:30 am. You may also donate frozen turkeys or hams. Contact: Debbie Wenclawiak (267-980-8155).

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